I always thought my name was ironic, "Mary Teresa Sue." I was about 13 when I found out I shared a name with a trope, and I thought that it meant my life would be good after that. As it turns out, Narra loves irony. Mary jolted from her unwashed bed. She fell face first onto the ground with her legs wrapped in bedsheets, attempting to grab a windowsill only for it to break under her weight. My father died when I was 8. It sent my mother into a depression, she could barely work anymore. We didn't have enough money to keep the house. She glanced at her unpowered alarm clock, dread in her eyes as she knew she would have to brave the outside to get the power back. My mother's new boyfriend beat me when I was 12. I prayed to the Darkest Forest that he would be taken away. He was, but only because he burned down the apartments we lived in. She quietly put her working clothes on, dropping her steel toed boots more than once. She took her metal bat from the side of her bedframe, slowly making her way through Base-tLHF to the courtyard. I started taking drugs when I was 14. It let me escape from all my problems, I even believed I had magic for the first few months. I couldn't even get out of bed after realizing it wasn't real. She started up the generator again, the silence of the Darkest Forest giving Base-tLHF a great unease. She breathed a sigh of relief when the power started the quiet whirring of lightbulbs and machinery. I broke up with my boyfriend at 16. We used to love each other so much, we even wrote love poems to each other every week. I haven't seen him since. With the power back on, she went to the top of the fort walls to survey any possible damage. The Westward secondary fence was scratched with huge chunks taken out of it. Luckily, it seems like the damage was from long-gone sunstalkers. Days after my 18th birthday, my mother passed. I couldn't afford her funeral, so I had to dig her grave in the Darkest Forest. Mary ducked when she heard a screech, only to realize it was just a memoric. She grabbed an axe on her way out to collect firewood. I was homeless by age 20. When I heard the new government was going to explore the Darkest Forest, I thought I found a good purpose in life. She roasted a piece of businessman on the fort's stove. This one tasted extra bitter, and she could barely stomach the whole thing. I made friends with someone for the first time in a decade when I was 22. His name was Micheal Earhart, he was a pyromantic fur, and his personality was so bright that I wasn't even jealous that he had what I've always wanted. She attempted to brave the fort's basement, using a lost keycard to open it. She sighed as she smelt death again, knowing she'd have to clean yet another set of stairs. I finally got a promotion when I was 24, but it was to a different fort. One day, Micheal stopped sending me letters. As she walked through the huge basement, something caught her eye. In a strange cage there was a bright blue and transparent entity. It looked nothing like anything in the bestiary, and it spoke to her. At 26, a huge horde of sunstalkers broke down the secondary fence and some of the doors, letting some skulldeer and bonerippers into the base. Only Mary survived. "You!" the entity screamed, "Human! Let me out! Let me out! Let me out! You can let me out! Let me out and I'll do whatever you want!" Mary couldn't keep track of the date, but she did know it was nearing the second winter after the massacre. She pressed the release button, and braced herself mentally for what would happen. It was at age 28 when I asked why it was me. Why it seemed only me went through all this horrible, horrible stuff. The entity cried out in pain. It explained something to me that I'll never forget. "The devil choses one person to target while god choses thousands." I don't know what that meant. I don't even know if it meant anything at all or if it was a product of my seizure. Before I could realize I even heard... no, experienced an idea, the sounds of a helicopter perpetrated the skies above. They found me writhing on the floor, only barely able to get me treatment in time. It was at age 30 when I saw a bright blue light flash in the sky. I had forgotten all about the entity, but it made me remember. I could remember everything it made me experience, spread out through years of memories spelling out words that I could just about comprehend. Some people are just unlucky. Losers, some people might call them. So full of agony that it's the only thing they can attract. Narra loves these people. They're her own little pets, just playthings for her to toy with. The individual collective pain of her pets gives her a rush far bigger than death. At age 32, I killed myself. My worst fear came true, as I was still conscious after I died. The entity met with me soon after I died. It cried, and cried, and cried. It told me that it thought it was helping me, telling me that it wasn't just my suffering, that other people were just like me and I shouldn't give up just yet. I felt the Darkest Forest drag my soul to it's very core. I felt it rip the last remnants of flesh from my body, replacing it with parts of it's own. It gave me new eyes, new bones, a brand new face. I could see my own life in my hands. I could see everything I did, every mistake, every horrible moment. The memoric of my mother screamed for the last time as my brain was ripped out like strings upon strings of pink yarn. At age 0, I took my first life. The mortal man who saw me didn't stand a chance. His bones were so pretty, and his flesh was so weak. I emptied out his backpack and stored his bones in there, beginning to roam in search of someone to decorate. The irony wasn't lost on the new boneripper, living a life full of agony only to make the first act in your new life to take another.